
What Type of Trader Are You?

Before you start building your trading system, it’s crucial to decide what type of trader you want to be. Your personality and schedule play a key role in this decision.


Scalping is considered the most demanding approach to trading. Scalpers hold their positions for only a few minutes, sometimes just seconds. It requires maximum concentration throughout the trading session and can be mentally exhausting due to many small losses.

Why choose scalping? The two main reasons are returns and freedom. Scalpers have numerous trading opportunities each day and can trade according to their schedule without having to watch the market after the trading session ends.

Day Traders

Day traders are similar to scalpers, but they usually watch the market all day and hold their positions for several hours. Their approach is calmer, focusing on larger market moves. Although they generally do not hold positions overnight, they sometimes do to capture larger moves.

Swing Traders

Swing traders hold positions for several days to weeks. This style is popular among beginners because it doesn’t require much time for analysis. Swing trading requires patience, as you often wait several days for a suitable trading opportunity. Positions held for longer periods can cause stress due to significant price fluctuations.

Position Traders

Position traders, often called investors, hold their positions for weeks, months, or years, tracking long-term trends. This style requires significant capital and is more suitable for experienced traders.

Choosing the Right Market

The market you choose depends on the type of trader you are. Swing traders often trade on multiple markets simultaneously, while day traders focus on one or two markets. Each market has its specific characteristics and moves at different times. Thoroughly studying various markets and their movements is crucial for success.

Trading Capital

Trading capital is an important factor. You can have a great strategy, but without sufficient capital, it’s challenging to achieve significant profits. Monevis helps experienced traders with capital shortages by providing financial resources up to $400,000, if they pass the evaluation process.


Your trading strategy can be technical or fundamental. Technical analysis is popular among retail traders, while fundamental trading focuses on news and economic events. Discretionary trading relies on your judgment, while systematic trading is based on clearly defined rules.


Becoming a professional trader is not easy, but it is possible with enough determination and experience. Trading is a business like any other and requires a robust trading strategy, a trading journal, and constant market monitoring. Monevis is here to help you achieve your goals.




在外汇交易中,杠杆指的是以相对较少的资金在市场上控制较大头寸的能力。它本质上是经纪商提供的贷款,允许您使用比自有资金更大的仓位进行交易。例如,如果杠杆比率为 1:100,您只需用 1,000 单位的自有资金就可以控制价值 100,000 单位的头寸。



  1. 提高盈利潜力: 杠杆让交易者以较小的投资获得更大的利润。如果市场走势对您有利,杠杆可以显著放大您的收益。
  2. 灵活性: 它使交易者能够部署较少的资金来建立较大的头寸。如果您想分散投资或交易多种货币对,这将是非常有利的。
  3. 有效利用资本: 利用杠杆,交易者可以将资金分配给多个交易或投资项目,从而提高投资组合的优化程度。


  1. 更高的盈利潜力: 杠杆作用可以大大提高您的 
  2. 如果市场走势对您有利,您就能获利。例如,使用 1:100 的杠杆,即使是很小的市场波动也能带来可观的收益。
  3. 降低进入成本: 杠杆作用降低了开仓所需的资金量,使得以较低的初始保证金进入市场变得更加容易。
  4. 多样化机会: 通过使用杠杆,交易者可以同时开立多个头寸,这有助于分散风险,并允许交易各种货币对。


  1. 损失风险增加: 杠杆还可能扩大损失。如果市场走势对你不利,你的损失可能会超过你的初始投资,有可能导致你的资本迅速耗尽。
  2. 心理压力: 高杠杆交易会产生压力和情绪压力,可能会影响您的决策,导致冲动或考虑不周的行为。
  3. 更高的维护成本: 杠杆头寸可能会产生额外成本,如利率或隔夜持仓费。这些成本会影响您的整体盈利能力。





走在这一转变前列的是 莫内维斯自营交易公司在这两方面都树立了标杆。本文深入探讨了自营交易行业的未来,强调了持牌经营的关键作用,以及没有持牌经营资质的公司即将面临的挑战。



随着监管机构和服务提供商收紧合作标准,持证和无证业务之间的区别变得越来越大。持证公司如 莫内维斯它拥有 MQ 的许可证,代表了行业的黄金标准。


Monevis 不仅拥有 MQ 许可证,还运营自己的 MetaTrader 5 (MT5) 服务器,这使其与众不同。这种内部技术基础设施水平值得一提,原因有几个。首先,它消除了对第三方经纪商的依赖,从而降低了与外部依赖相关的风险。

其次,不对其平台贴白标签、 莫内维斯 Monevis 保留对其交易环境的完全控制权,从而提高了安全性、稳定性和性能。这种技术和基础设施的自主性凸显了 Monevis 在道具交易领域的开创性做法。


MQ 决定的影响超出了无牌公司面临的直接运营挑战。这一政策转变预示着道具交易行业将朝着更透明、更安全、更公平的方向发展。


特许公司,如 莫内维斯 在这一转变过程中,美国和欧洲的医疗机构已做好准备,提供了一种既能实现技术自给自足,又能严格遵守监管标准的模式。随着行业的发展,对许可证和内部技术基础设施的重视有望成为常态,而不是例外。



在行业转型的过程中,以下先驱企业将发挥重要作用 莫内维斯 其重要性与日俱增,引导着人们走向一个更加安全、透明和规范的交易环境。


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